This is old documentation, use with caution

Wrapping a Delegate Pattern

Be cautious when wrapping delegate systems, Promises are one shot: they resolve once. Most delegate methods are able to be called more than once.

Consequently PromiseKit doesn’t wrap many delegate patterns yet (eg. UITextFieldDelegate is not really appropriate) and where we do wrap them we have to do some anti-ARC hacks to prevent the delegating object from being prematurely released.

@implementation CLLocationManager (PromiseKit)

+ (PMKPromise *)promise {
    return [PMKLocationManager promise];


@interface PMKLocationManager : CLLocationManager <CLLocationManagerDelegate>

@implementation PMKLocationManager {
    PMKResolver resolve;
    id retainCycle;

+ (PMKPromise *)promise {
    PMKLocationManager *manager = [PMKLocationManager new];
    manager.delegate = manager;
    manager->retainCycle = self;  // prevent deallocation
    [manager startUpdatingLocation];
    return [[AnyPromise alloc] initWithResolve:&manager->resolve];

- (void)locationManager:(id)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations {
    resolve(PMKManifold(locations.firstObject, locations));
    retainCycle = nil;  // break retain cycle

- (void)locationManager:(id)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
    retainCycle = nil;  // break retain cycle
