This is old documentation, use with caution

Building a REST Helper Class

Most web APIs require authentication, usually in the headers. The convenience methods on NSURLConnection that PromiseKit provides will not be sufficient here. They are deliberately simple for the 90% usage.

We will use OMGHTTPURLRQ to construct URLRequests that we will then will pass to PromiseKit. You already have OMGHTTPURLRQ because PromiseKit imports it in order to generate requests for its NSURLConnection categories.

OMGHTTPURLRQ is a useful helper library that does the difficult work required in correctly constructing REST-style API requests.

@interface MyAPI

 thens an array of Kittens
+ (PMKPromise *)fetchKittens:(NSInteger)count;

 thens result JSON dictionary
+ (PMKPromise *)uploadKitten:(NSData *)imageData;


@implementation MyAPI

static inline void auth(NSMutableURLRequest *rq) {
    [rq setValue:username forHTTPHeader:@"x-auth-user"];
    [rq setValue:token forHTTPHeader:@"x-auth-token"];

+ (PMKPromise *)fetchKittens:(NSInteger)count {
    id url = [HOST stringByAppendingString:path];
    NSMutableURLRequest *rq = [OMGHTTPURLRQ GET:url];
    return [NSURLConnection promise:rq];

+ (PMKPromise *)uploadKitten:(NSData *)imageData {
    id url = [HOST stringByAppendingString:path];
    OMGMultipartFormData *multipartFormData = [OMGMultipartFormData new];
    [multipartFormData addFile:imageData parameterName:@"kitten1" filename:@"kitten1.jpg" contentType:@"image/jpeg"];
    NSMutableURLRequest *rq = [OMGHTTPURLRQ POST:url:multipartFormData];


    return [NSURLConnection promise:rq];


OMGHTTPURLRQ is a low level HTTP library that can encode any request as you need, then use NSURLConnection’s +promise method to promise it.