This is old documentation, use with caution


We provide wrappers for almost all the asynchronous functionality provided by Apple. For example:

CLLocationManager.promise().then { location in
    // pod "PromiseKit/CoreLocation"

MKDirections(/*…*/).calculate().then { directionsResponse in
    // pod "PromiseKit/MapKit"

URLSession.shared.POST(url, formData: params).asDictionary().then { json in
    // pod "PromiseKit/OMGHTTPURLRQ"

Alamofire.request(url, withMethod: .GET).responseJSON().then { json in
    // pod "PromiseKit/Alamofire"

CKContainer.publicCloudDatabase.fetchUserRecord().then { user in
    // pod "PromiseKit/CloudKit"

promiseViewController(UIImagePickerController()).then { image in
    // pod "PromiseKit/UIKit"
    // --> included in the default "PromiseKit" pod

NSNotificationCenter.default.observe(once: notificationName).then { obj in
    // pod "PromiseKit/Foundation"
    // --> included in the default "PromiseKit" pod

Above is just a small sampling; view our full extensions listing on GitHub.

For convenience, we also provide:

In addition, PromiseKit is designed so that promises can be provided by other third-party libraries: CocoaPods that use PromiseKit.