Other Classes

The following classes are available globally.

  • Keeps track of all promises in a promise chain with pending or currently running tasks, and cancels them all when cancel is called.

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    public class CancelContext : Hashable
  • Tracks the cancel items for a CancellablePromise. These items are removed from the associated CancelContext when the promise resolves.



    public class CancelItemList
  • Undocumented

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    public class CancelContextFinalizer
  • Cancellable finalizer returned from catch. Use finally to specify a code block that executes when the promise chain resolves.

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    public class CancellableFinalizer : CancelContextFinalizer
    extension CancellableFinalizer: _PMKFinallyWrappers
  • Undocumented

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    public class CancellableCascadingFinalizer : CancelContextFinalizer
    extension CancellableCascadingFinalizer: _PMKCatchWrappers
  • A CancellablePromise is a functional abstraction around a failable and cancellable asynchronous operation.

    At runtime the promise can become a member of a chain of promises, where the cancelContext is used to track and cancel (if desired) all promises in this chain.

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    public class CancellablePromise<T> : CancellableThenable, CancellableCatchMixin
    extension CancellablePromise: _PMKSharedWrappers
    extension CancellablePromise: _PMKCatchWrappers
    extension CancellablePromise: _PMKSharedVoidWrappers where C.T == Void
  • Undocumented

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    public class PMKFinalizer
    extension PMKFinalizer: _PMKFinallyWrappers
  • Undocumented

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    public class PMKCascadingFinalizer
    extension PMKCascadingFinalizer: _PMKCatchWrappers
  • A PromiseKit Dispatcher that allows no more than X simultaneous executions at once.

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    public final class ConcurrencyLimitedDispatcher : Dispatcher
  • A PromiseKit Dispatcher that dispatches X closures every Y seconds, on average.

    This implementation is O(1) in both space and time, but it uses approximate time accounting. Over the long term, the rate converges to a rate of X/Y, but the transient burst rate will be up to 2X/Y in some situations.

    For a completely accurate rate limiter that dispatches as rapidly as possible, see StrictRateLimitedDispatcher. That implementation requires additional storage.

    Executions are paced by start time, not by completion, so it’s possible to end up with more than X closures running concurrently in some circumstances.

    There is no guarantee that you will reach a given dispatch rate. There are not an infinite number of threads available, and GCD scheduling has limited accuracy.

    100% thread safe.

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    public final class RateLimitedDispatcher : RateLimitedDispatcherBase
  • Undocumented

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    public class RateLimitedDispatcherBase : Dispatcher
  • A PromiseKit Dispatcher that dispatches no more than X closures every Y seconds. This is a sliding window, so executions occur as rapidly as possible without exceeding X in any Y-second period.

    This version implements perfectly accurate timing, so it must (temporarily) track up to X previous execution times and is thus O(X) in space.

    For a “pretty good” approach to rate limiting that does not consume additional storage, see RateLimitedDispatcher.

    Executions are paced by start time, not by completion, so it’s possible to end up with more than X closures running concurrently in some circumstances.

    There is no guarantee that you will reach a given dispatch rate. There are not an infinite number of threads available, and GCD scheduling has limited accuracy. The only guarantee is that dispatching will never exceed the requested rate.

    100% thread safe.

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    public final class StrictRateLimitedDispatcher : RateLimitedDispatcherBase