PromiseKit 4.0 Released!

Swift 3 breaks its API, so to support Swift 3 it was mandatory to bump PromiseKit to version 4. Consequently we took the opportunity to improve the library — though we provide a swift-2.3-minimal-changes branch, which is PromiseKit 2 but ported to Swift 2.3 (also part of Xcode 8) to aid migrations.

Notable Changes

Minimum Deployment Target

PromiseKit now requires a deployment target >= macOS 10.10, the deployment targets for iOS, watchOS and tvOS are unchanged (8.0, 2.0 and 9.0 respectfully).

catch is back


To remove initializer ambiguity, improve error messages and to allow generic specializations we have moved our convenience initializers that wrap traditional Cocoa asynchronous patterns to a free-standing function: wrap:

func foo() -> Promise<Foo> {
    let bar = Bar(conf: /*…*/)
    return PromiseKit.wrap(bar.start)

recover Behavior Change

recover now takes a CatchPolicy which means it by default no longer “catches” cancellation errors, you should vet any use of recover. Probably this is actually what you wanted all along.

@import PromiseKit; works

You can now @import PromiseKit;, before this wouldn’t import the whole library in an effort to prevent Swift and ObjC seeing the parts of PromiseKit designed for the other. We now properly use NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT et al. and thus the build-system manages symbol visibility for us.

Error.when Removed


join() Behavior Change

join has been deprecated and replaced with when(resolved:) (standard when is now when(fulfilled:)). This promise never rejects and instead always fulfills with an array of Result<T>.

Unused Return Value Warning

then will warn if you don’t use the promise it returns. This is because it is typically a bug to not use the promise and indicates an unterminated promise chain.

All chains should terminate at a catch handler or be returned from a function that will then terminate the chain at a catch handler.

However ocassionally it is legitimate to not terminate a chain, in such cases you can hide the warning by making it clear to the compiler that you are happy to ignore the result:

_ = foo.then{ /*…*/ }

AnyPromise -finally

Renamed always so as to be consistent with Promise<T>, and because finally was not a good metaphor for promises relative to the try, catch, finally objc exception pattern we were originally partially emulating with PMK1.


OMGHTTPURLRQ is no longer a dependency of the Foundation extensions, instead it is now its own subspec:

An Alamofire extension was added:

So from now on you should choose one of the two to handle the parts of HTTP networking that Apple left out:

# CocoaPods
pod "PromiseKit/Alamofire", "~> 1.0"     # pick
pod "PromiseKit/OMGHTTPURLRQ", "~> 1.0"  # one

# Carthage
github "PromiseKit/Alamofire" ~> 1.0     # pick
github "PromiseKit/OMGHTTPURLRQ" ~> 1.0  # one

The default podspec no longer imports OMGHTTPURLRQ.

New Features

Deprecated API Removed

PromiseKit no longer comes with NSURLConnection, UIAlertView, etc. extensions.

The PromiseKit Organization

PromiseKit extensions are now grouped at the PromiseKit GitHub organization to facilitate better testing, easier contribution and more sensible responsibility divisions.
